Sunday, May 15, 2011

Heamatological uses of stem cells:

Heamatological uses of stem cells:
The most Heamatological uses of stem cells is stem cells transplantation . it is a medical procedure in the field of hematology and and oncology that involves transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), which often performed for people with diseases of the b;ood or bone marrow or certain types of cancers.there are two major types of bone marrow transplantation namely ,Autologous and allogenic transplantation . Aurogous bone marrow transplantation involves isolation of HSC from a patient suffering from a blood cancer freezing .storage of the isolated stem cells ,medical treatment of the patient that usually result in destruction of the remaining stem cells in the body ; then return reof the stored stem cells back to the body . allogenic bone marrow transplantation involves two people , one is the (normal ) donor and one is (patient) recipient . allogeneic HSC donors must have a tissue human leucocytic antigen (HLA) type that matches the recipient and in addition , the recipient requires immuno suppressive medication. Graft versus host disease (GVHD)is an inflammatory disease that is unique to allogeneic transplantation . it is an attack of the "new" bone marrow's immune cells against the recipient's tissues this can occur even if the donor and recipient are HLA – indentical because the immune system can still recognize other differences their tissues.
(Anoje, 2006).

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