Sunday, May 15, 2011

Non hematological uses of stem cells :

Non hematological uses of stem cells :
The most exciting use of cultured stem cells is the promise for curing may devastating disease by directing the differentiation of pluripotent stem cells to produce pure population of particular cell types to be used for the repair of diseased or damaged tissues. For instance :
       - for cardiovascular repair , the aim is to produce cardiac muscle cells to be used alleviate ischaemic heart disease (Laflamme & Murry ,2005).
       -  for diabetes, the aim is to generate insulin-producing cells for treatment of diabetes .(Ianus et al.,2003)
         -for neural disorders , the aim is to produce neural cells to improve the functional capacity in patients with multiple sclerosis , strocke or spinal cord in injuries .(Lindvall et al.,2004).
       - for orthopaedic disease , for treatment of the children with osteogenesis imperfecta (Horwitz et al.,1999) and for treatment of the patients with large bone defects .(warnke et al .,2004).

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