Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Bucket lists

1. Finish Law and pass the bar in 2013
2. Learn Spanish
3. Study and Live Abroad (at least 3 months)
4. Get married to Patrick Lacsamana
5. Have a child
6. Travel Alone
7. Go to Europe and see at least 7 countries
8. Conquer my fear of heights
9. Win an online contest
10. Write a book and get it published
11. Travel with friends (WHERE NO PARENT IS ALLOWED)
12. To see a Hollywood Star
13. Talk to Avril Lavigne
14. Interview a Senator or the President
15. Experience Winter in another country
16. See Harry Potter Theme Park
17. To experience regression and know my past life
18. Change someone’s life by helping others
19. Help children who are abused
20. Travel for free (Not paid by my parents)
21. Make 1000 visitors for a day in any of my blog
22. Be a part of a stage play
23. Visit New York and meet new people there
24. To have my own house with a remarkable name
25. Buy my own car
26. Learn Mandarin
27. To give a trip to Africa as a gift to my mom and dad
28. Buy my boyfriend a plane ticket
29. To have an international trip with my boyfriend alone
30. Tour in the Caribbean
31. Visit St Jude’s shrine
32. Learn the world's most kept secrets
33. Climb the Eiffel Tower
34. See the Louvre

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