Monday, May 16, 2011

The Migration Of People In Search Of Gold

 The Migration Of People In Search Of Gold:
In 1849, thousands of people started rushing towards California in quest of gold. Most of the people adopted a lot of methods to find out the huge deposits of this precious element in order to make hefty amounts of money. People used several techniques at that time but the most renowned method was panning. A lot of people succeeded in getting gold flakes through this method.
The lust for gold never let these people quit their search for gold. Thus, the people kept searching for gold and tried latest methods to get gold. The gold fever increased once the people achieved a single flake of gold. They sometimes increased their struggle to find out more gold flakes.
As the number of emigrants was increasing, the government also felt the importance of that once unknown place. The government also extracted the gold deposits. They established several gold mining labs in the areas where gold was expected. Also, they adopted more advanced methods to extract gold rather besides panning.
Majority of the new comers, also known as the forty-niners, were found wearing long shoes holding pans for extracting gold at the gold mines of California. They sometimes found the gold flakes in their pans while most of the times their efforts proved to be useless. The continuous struggle used to make them exhausted sometimes, but even then they did not stop making efforts in the particular direction. The miners found large amounts of gold flakes which encouraged the government to establish a mint there.
At present, the use of plastic pans for finding gold flakes is quite common. In the past, only metal pans were used for finding gold flakes. Moreover, special technique was used to place these metal pans in the riverbeds or water.
The weight of the present day plastic pans is much less than the once used metal pans. However, these pans have spaces in them which allow the gold to get into the pan more easily. Nowadays, slats and bars are also used for this purpose. Earlier, only metal pans were in use but the latest equipments have made possible to separate the gold from other materials.
However, the techniques used by the emigrants were so effective that they are still in use even after so many years. In the past, people used to place the pans where the water flow was considerably slow. At that time the pipette and tweezers were not in use so, the most suitable way was to separate gold with hands.
Most of the emigrants arrived California from faraway places in order to get their dreams come true. So, they made utmost efforts for achieving their goal and their determination led them to the way of success.

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